We are Open Everyday at 09:00 am - 10:00 pm
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Al Hamala, Bahrain Block 1012 Road
1225 Building 1437

Our Services


Sewerin manufactures a variety of gas detection instruments suitable for both detection and warning applications. When used with a tracer gas, our instruments are also widely used in water leak location applications.


Water leaking under pressure generates noise in the pipe and surrounding ground. Sewerin’s water leak detection instrument range includes sophisticated digital electro acoustic tools that amplify and clarify leak noise for faster,


Sewerin’s utility locators come with a range of sophisticated options, depending on the specific device. The UT9000 features a remote control signal generator and GPS integration, the UtiliTrac R130 has 3d sonde location and the UT830 is a very simple

Gas Dectector

Sewerin’s utility locators come with a range of sophisticated options, depending on the specific device. The UT9000 features a remote control signal generator and GPS integration, the UtiliTrac R130 has 3d sonde location and the UT830 is a very simple

Electrical Testing and Commissioning

Testing and Commissioning (ASWAR) offers professional expertise in Testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning services of electrical power systems, Generation and T&D, of various voltage levels upto 230 KV.